Tuesday, January 25, 2011

being more bold

so far this year, i've been thinking a lot about what i want to change in life, and want i want to see accomplished by this time next year. when i was younger i was big into making goals for myself and seeing all that i did in the time span that it took me to get there. lately goals have felt a little more discouraging because there are several that i have not met in the last few years. but for some reason this year, i have taken a renewed interest in setting goals, and i have several things i want to do before the year changes to 2012.

i want to be more bold. in life. in creating. in designs....and in dreams.

i want to run a half marathon before the end of the year.

i want to be supporting myself with my own business.

i want to be loving others better than i do now.

i want to closer the Creator. the artist from whom i can receive all inspiration.

i want to be a better friend, daughter, sister...

what are you aspirations for the year? dream with me. and let's run after those dreams hard.