Friday, May 7, 2010

all in a day's work

something that i've recently realized is that being creative takes time, energy, and investment. that it is helpful for me to choose to be creative - or to practice being creative. it is a discipline like many other things.

another thing i've realized is that sometimes i really like making lists because when i cross something off, it makes me feel like i've accomplished something.

so today, many things were on the "to-do" list. one of these things was "be creative."

and here was my effort. jewelry making has been a focus of late. i hope to move this inspiration to journal making again soon. i have many ideas...but for now, here's the most recent jewelry, and some of many things to hopefully be photographed soon to put up in the now empty etsy shop!!

1 comment:

  1. love them :-) as i frequently say, you are quite talented, friend!
